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Publié le 07/01/2020 - Modifié le 07/01/2020
Ajouter à mes favorisStrasbourg and its history
Started a few weeks ago, the first phase of the installation of this new street furniture, including 31 explanatory signs with texts in French, German and English, has been completed. It concerns following sites (non exhaustive list) like places, bridges, historical houses, churches, etc ). For example :
Le Pont du Corbeau (crow bridge)
La Grande Boucherie (great butcher's house / transformed into the historical museum)
L’Ancienne Douane (the old customs)
La place Gutenberg (Gutenberg Place)
Le poêle de la corporation du Miroir (the stove of the corporations, that we can see in the mirror room in the city centre)
La place Kléber Kléber Place)
Les Petites Boucheries (little butcher's shop)
L’église protestante Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune (the protestant church of Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune)
La place Broglie (Broglie Place)
Théâtre municipal - opéra
L’hôtel du préfet (the prefectoral house)
Le palais du Gouverneur militaire (the headquarter of the General Governor)
L'hôtel de ville (the City Hall)
La maison Kammerzell (the restaurant Maison Kammerzelle)
La cathédrale Notre-Dame
La maison de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame
Le palais Rohan (the Rohan Palast)
L’abbaye Saint-Etienne(the Abbey of Saint-Etienne)
L’église Saint-Thomas (the church Saint-Thomas)
La maison des Tanneurs (the restaurant Tanners House)
Les ponts couverts (the covered bridges in the Petite France)
Le barrage Vauban (the Vauban dam)
Les églises Saint-Pierre-le-Vieux (both churches Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune)
La place de la République (Republique Place)
Le palais de Justice (the House of justice court)
L’église catholique Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune (the catholic church Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune
Le palais des fêtes
La synagogue de la Paix (the synagogue of peace)
Le lycée des Pontonniers (the international school Pontonniers)
L’église Saint-Paul (the church Saint-Paul)
Le palais universitaire (the university palace).
The second step for the total realization of this initiative includes some 30 new street cultural furnitures, should be installed in March, followed by a third one including 67 others