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Published on 13/02/2020 - Modified on 13/02/2020
Set as bookmarkTomi Ungerer forever in the city
The City Council also voted, a few days ago, a deliberation which concretize the denomination of a place with his name in his native district of Tivoli
A tree of life in memory of Tomi Ungerer
Regards d’Enfants, the association to whichTomi Ungerer grants his sponsorship inaugurated a sculpture called "arbre de vie" (tree of life) in honor of the artist on February 6th in the garden "Deux Rives" along the french Rhine River.
The metal artist Jacky Keiff and the plastic artist Anne-Sophie Graff jointly produced this work. It represents the figure of Tomi Ungerer and a tree.
"Sculptures hang on this tree. They were made by children of all ages and different origins, including children with disabilities, which illustrate in a playful way the sharing, listening and accepting of others without discrimination," explains Anne-Sophie Graff. Two crystal hearts and doves from the "Cristallerie Lalique" ador the tree top.
At the foot of the tree you can admire pictures realised by schoolchildren from the Strasbourg school “Joie de vivre” and translated into German by young people from the Kehl professional school. A special attention to Tomi Ungerer's engagement for Europe and children's rights.
Members of the Sonnenhof Foundation also kept a bird-feeder near this tree.