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Law faculty

A landmark building of the esplanade

Strasbourg’s faculty of law, political sciences and management is one of the landmark buildings of the Esplanade district, and was designed in 1962 by French architect Roger Hummel. The Esplanade, as it became known, was used as a parade ground and replaced the rampart walls that previously connected Vauban’s citadel to the city centre..

The residential district it is today was designed by Alsatian-born architect Charles Gustave Stoskopf and includes residential buildings, a shopping mall and a vast university campus.

The law faculty has been listed as a historical monument since 2005

The law faculty is certainly one of the most outstanding buildings on the campus. It comprises 2 main buildings, connected and standing back to back.

The side facing the campus is concave in shape and decorated by red blinds and blue panels which run along the facade. On the side facing the road, the polygon-shaped building broadens out backwards to house the lecture halls. The overall design can be seen to represent the scales of justice.

  • Tram C or E - Esplanade
  • Bus 30 - Rome
  • Bus 15 - Esplanade
  • 6_fac-de-droit_@christophe-hamm
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1 place d'Athènes
67000 Strasbourg

Site de l'Unistra